Saturday, April 30, 2005


i forgot what happened today...studied too much

Friday, April 29, 2005

shldnt have gone to school at all in the first place today. uggghh. anti biotics are annoying. nearly fell asleep during history. mr lee tortured everyone today. so thankful i couldnt do PE today. he made everyone do push ups abt a thousand times. then they had to run their 2.4km run. those who failed had to do 20 situps and push ups. crazy. went home after recess. bert and macus helped me. then the clerk chased them off after a while. went home, took my medicine and slept. hope i get better soon. uuughh

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


missed 2 days of school. woohoo.

went for school on monday, tried to get back bjorn's football but that damn leong said he was too busy. grr. deleted danial's video infront of him.. feika's gonna kill me. went home and packed my bag. blasted music. skated warranted the house. yeah, i'm nuts. as soon as my dad came home we left for johor. picked up my grandma, then left fer kl. there were these two clowns racing infront of us. the one infront was goin at 200km/h. the one behiend was goin 10 less. my dad followed them to show me. it was like the shumaccer (err) and alonso race. but.. there was this police man with a speed camara. all 3 of us. doink. reached kl in 3 hrs, then slept in my uncle's house.

woke up the next day with a headache. went to my other uncle's house for my grandad's ceremony. paid my respects and went to my uncles house to rest. then we left for the temple. its started pouring! every time we do prayers for my grandad it always pours. heh..we drove into the temple. happy.. then went back and slept almost immediately.

we went for branch with all our relatives in the morn'. stuffed myself. was having a fever. took fever medicine and left for johor. reached in 2 and a half hours. saw 4 lumborginis on the way. 1 was getting towed. the rest were uuughh. cant say it cuz it makes me too jealous... took 2 hrs frm johor. big jam. home sweet home..

goin to school tmr.. unless i'm still sick. i wanna go tho. weeeiirrd...

Friday, April 22, 2005


quite a boring friday. played soccer in the class. marcus decieded to break the window. did a history test. so-so. ran my 2.4 in 12mins40secs! fastest ran i've ever ran. cant believe i even passed. then we went to see mr leong abt the soccer thing.

waiting for him was fun. ms teh was scolding a sec 1 boy for spikin his hair. And said fish water was a very good solvent. the hero went and put fish water on his hair! new theory works! then came mr leong. he made us move the pots in the foyer away to be washed. damn embarrasing. durin recess. then it ate thru mother tongue and we walke back slllooooowwwllllyy to math class. haha. si hao the prefect came along whole heartetly, by the time we reached back, 1 period of math was gone. aft skool did the science test. then went to search for the rest.culdnt find them, so i played soccer with others. theres a nut from 4n1 who's damn good in soccer. his legs move damn fucking fast!

hmm.. i've got a decision to make. shld i take up the guitar seriously and do all the exams? and pay like $200 for each grading then i need the guitar which is like $165. or use that money for my bro's drum fund, but i'll still learn the guitar. I think i'll get my bro's drums.. then it'll be partly mine too. my mind is made up. but now i need a guitar..

haha..when mr leong asked us what else is fragile in class, marcus said the fans, shaoheng said the lights, i said the ohb.. wilson said...TABLES. thx..

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

woohoo. today was a GREAT day!
or am i just vengeful, nah.. it took course on its own.

wilson, set urself free..u dont have to be afraid of him, u still have us!

thx feika, frans and sas. thx alot.
thx marcus, bert, wilson and clinton..for backin me up.

now that thats settled..i dont give a damn abt joel and the rest of them.


Monday, April 18, 2005

burn in hell joel. thats where u belong. u too marcus.

not a word frm them...

joel's trying to turn everyone against me now. telling them more lies. hopefully, they wont believe him..but i dont know. at least, i know..that i'm not the only one who hates him. knowing the numbers is just so satisfying. anyone who actually believes him.. i really dont care abt u ppl. u can all burn for all i care.

the two idiots nearly got on my nerves. makin fun of my head. so what if its a bit big? at least i have a brain to put in it! he called me on the phone yesterday just to say " you son of a bitch!" then put down the phone.

"Fuck You u milo skin son of a bitch . Go rape ur mum mother fucker U have a extra empty brainshell that is full of porn . Oh ya btw ur father jus wore kotex yesterday and Went to geylang and shout suren i spicked up by the garbage!!!He is a bastard recarnated from a cow"

"Fuck You u milo skin son of a bitch . Go rape ur mum mother fucker U have a extra empty brainshell that is full of porn . Oh ya btw ur father jus wore kotex yesterday and Went to geylang and shout suren i spicked up by the garbage!!!He is a bastard recarnated from a cow. Friday was the day Your mum and dad picked up you at the toilet bow..which is the day u were born by some fucking dog Your karm"

if anyone writes crap on my board we can guess who it is. the racist..rude.. vulgar.. stupid ass. y does he curse? cuz he has nothing else to say. cuz he sabotaged me and thinks he can get away with it.

this ain't over yet...

Sunday, April 17, 2005


lifes so fucked up...
i've so many reasons to hate it

joel turned frans and feika against me. he accused me of calling them some nasty things. frans actually trusts him. i never cursed him, din even do anything to that idiot at all. so.being a brainless ass the only thing he does now is curse and swear. dont even know how he got their trust. .if the only thing he noes how to do is sabotage people, thats just sad.. he needs a life. dont care anymore..

she called me a dishonest person, said she din like my attutide.. said lots of stuff, behind my back. ands calls me the hippocritte. joel lied to them to turn them against me..and got away with it.

my sis. dinesh is such a nice guy. but his mum....- not gonna talk abt this..

i'm not in the mood to blog anymore.

Monday, April 11, 2005


havent updated my blog for such a long time...

friday- sports day. philbert didnt race cuz he was one eye blind that day. Bjorn accidently hit the soccer ball onto his face. big cut on his eyelid and his glasses broke. We escorted him out of school to wait for his mum. When his mum came she was screamed at him! we culd hear her from the foyer when they were at the bus stop. nuts. Then went to meet adrian, frans and feika before the sports meet. the two nutcases went crazy taking photos. watched the races. makes u realize how people can lose becuz of others..

saturday- went to johor for my uncle's engagement. freaking boring. nth else to say abt that day.

sunday- returned home. had lunch. another wasted day. danial's b-day tho..happy bday.

today- woke up with a headache. didnt go to school... did hwk then updated my blog.


the end.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Suren 2e4
My reflection on Miss Ee Von Mak

Sec 1
At first in sec 1, I thought Miss mak was a good teacher, and a good person. In fact, she was, until the day one of the boys in my class forgot to bring his homework the second time in a row. From then on, it got worse; she picked on pupils for lame reasons. She showed favoritism. I was one of the victims. She would scold those she despises for stupid reasons while her favorites get away with it. In semester 1, I was easily influenced. I had followed this guy to fill a classmate’s pencil case with glue. I got punished for that, I deserved it. I stopped picking on that classmate. I had been constantly forgetting to do my work. So she was very harsh with me for while after that, even after I made an attempt to change. She found more reasons to pick on me and made me waste my time redoing homework 3-15 times. In term 4 some pupils had bullied that classmate I had mentioned just now, and she brought back the incident that happened in term 1 and gave me a pink form. She had turned a lot of teachers against me too, even my cca teacher! She called me aggressive. There was an incident when I was sitting with 2 people before my test. We watched as a classmate had forced the cupboard door close when everything was about to fall out. So I had joked about a person opening it and everything falling on that person. They decided to use a guy named Wilson in our class. I didn’t want to be involved so I went to alert Wilson and went to study with my friends. It ended with Wilson getting so angry he hit himself with his metal water bottle and cried. Miss mak came in and asked the class who was responsible for it. She called out the 2 students. Then she asked if there were others and one of the 2 students said my name. I stood up and she asked us 1 by 1 what we did. I told her I was innocent. She refused to believe me despite the students I was studying with telling her what I had been doing. She was scolding me and throwing markers at me. I couldn’t help laughing as she was coming up with lame jokes and her aiming was bad, she had thrown a marker in between my fingers and the people behind her were laughing too. She asked the 3 of us to stay back after the test. She called us stooges. We had stayed back and she mainly scolded me as I stood up for myself by telling her that I was being wrongfully accused. Even the other 2 students said that they had made a mistake in mentioning my name. But she refused to give up and she called me retarded as I laughed when she was scolding me. Then she lied to my mother by telling her that I had done it and told her none of the things I had told her. My parents wanted me to transfer school but I refused as I did not want to leave my friends just because of an unreasonable teacher. I had topped my school for the math competition, and she didn’t even praise me. Instead she called me lucky.

Sec 2
In sec 2, she promised her students that they would be given a chance to start anew. On that day, 10 students did not bring their report books. She gave them a chance and gave them 1 more day. However, she did not let 2 boys who she had picked on last year do so. She had forced them to get it on that day itself. So much for starting anew… I had not forgotten any of my homework or done anything bad for a month. But she had found a new reason to punish me, my untidiness in my work. I admit my work was untidy but I had been making an effort to improve on it. She wasted all of our precious time by nagging at the whole class even though only 7 students were guilty of not passing up their heymath thing. She had wasted 2 whole periods. And other times she had done so too. She also held the innocent pupils for recess. Even first timers were severely punished. She had held back one of the pupils and scolded her. She had called her blind and deaf. I think she is overstepping her boundaries. She called us all dumb because we did badly for a math test. How can she even say such a thing about her students? She also picked on the girls for their short skirts… it wasn’t even that short! She called 1 of the girls retarded and stupid and also said she will fail and go to normal academic. That’s not very encouraging in my opinion. She even threw away books that were under the table without warning. I think she should have told the class that they should bring the books home or they would be thrown away instead of doing it straight away. She even threw away books that we were allowed to keep in the cupboard. And she had also thrown away thing that we had worked very hard on for class purposes. When I informed her that the reason we keep it in class is because it was too heavy to bring home everyday. She told me that is was all excuses and took no notice of what I said. Today she lied to the discipline mistress just to get her on her side. When one of the girls in my class told her about the names she had been calling her, she lied and denied. Our hatred towards her had caused us to do hate the subject. And thus, do badly.

nice? i loved it.. i cant wait till she reads it. her teaching is good... but she rarely eveer teaches as shes constantly nagging at the class. During lit i did sth very dumb.. sorry ppl.. wooohoo rebel against mak..