Sunday, October 23, 2005


this was me when i was young. i dont think i'm wearing pants.

excerpt from my brother's blog
There was once a boy called Karthik. He was on his way to Temasek Poly to sort out his timetable for next semester, which turned out pretty well btw. so he went to tp, got everything sorted out and was on his way back. He boarded the 518 'cos it was the fastest way home. Now our hero was in the bus, which had around 5-6 people in it, excluding himself, listening to his iPod. Chimaira was playing rather loudly and the song Power Trip was blasting when this matt kental knnbccb bastard boards the bus at safra tampines. This matt, whom i will call matt, was from ITE. Tapered pants, a mohawk, yes folks he was street trash.

So matt walks to the back of the bus. Karthik doesn't see him 'cos he's somewhere in the middle. Out of nowhere matt comes up to Karthik and pulls out his earphone.

Karthik, 'What the Fuck?!?!'

Matt,' Eh boy u think you listen to metal u fucking big ah?'

Karthik,' I listening your problem ah?!' <-- You'll notice the horrendous english. Needed him to understand me.

Matt, ' I ask you a question u fucking answer lah boy'.

Karthik,' no'.

Matt,' eh boy i tell u ah u look damn gay better not listen to metal lah!!'

Karthik,' Eh you belong in a band called Chimaira ah?!'

Matt,' of course not lah don't be stupid lah boy!!!'

Karthik,' Then fuck off lah cheebai matt!!'

At this point in time i think he was gonna whack our hero but the driver in front shouted,' EH DON'T SHOUT AH I CALL POLICE!!'

After staring at Karthik for a few seconds he went back to the back of the bus and got off at Tampines Street 21. KNNBCCB what's happening to the youth these days!!


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