Wednesday, September 28, 2005


one more week..

my parents are forcing me to study like a fucking machine. well..if it doesnt pay off i'll die.. either get killed by my parents or sth else. whatever. anyway, i've really been getting annoyed with some people. my temper has been getting worse too. i need to de-stress. avenged sevenfold is really good. try to download their songs. hmm, we were asked to stand in front of the parade square because we were sitting outside class before school. yes, i know its a really stupid reason but i'm in a really stupid school. our principal was trying sooo hard to scold us. it was like "oh no! i must show my school what i'm made of! i must be harsh with them". then she went on telling us not to challange HER school and to BUILD our own school if we didnt want to. right. you built the school yourself right?

dumb dumb things. school photos ok. even tho i look like a toot, it was one of the better photos. yes, the previous ones were really that bad. i think my dads gonna come it here and make a fuss so i better stop here.

one more week..

Saturday, September 24, 2005

respect your elders. fuck that. why the hell do we need to show respects to those who dont deserve our respect? there are so many teachers in my school who pick on students for reasons so stupid you feel like telling them to fuck off on the spot. suppose a teacher tells you to stay back without giving you a reason. would you want a reason? an adults answer would be "the teacher asked you to do it so do it! you dont need to ask any questions! do as you're told.". puke. my math teacher confiscated my bag and asked me to collect it after school( yeah i know...really dumb). she asked me to redo my homework over and over again. so i asked her why she's confiscating my bag and what was wrong with my work. she was like "i've never met anyone who talks back to teachers as much as you". how long has she been teaching anyway? of course i didnt want to go see her that day. but when i found out she'd call my parents i had to.

my dad is the kind of person who thinks all adults are superior, so u can guess what kind of lecture i got and worse. he also believes that people shouldnt correct their elders or advise them. WHAT KIND OF SHIT IS THAT?! there are thousands and thousands of adults who arent as smart as kids. my uncle kept saying, is your hand paining? i couldnt help but tell him that there no such word. i got scolded for that.

conformists- people who uncritically or habitually conform to the customs, rules, or styles of a group. in this case adults. theres a bunch of people in class who do whatever they're told no matter how stupid. that doesnt make them smart! the girl sitting next to me in class proves it. she does everything the teacher tells her to but my grades are still much better than hers.

let me put it this way. if the adult is kind, shows devotion in their work and teaching, and doesnt have favourites, the teacher has earned the respect. but if it's a teacher who has favourites and a bunch she picks on.. she'll get no respect. my science and geo teachers are very good, i have alot of respect for them, but not my math teacher. my parents love me, so i respect them.

sheesh, no wonder there are so many anarchists.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

i'm in my dads school now. was studying at first. i shoulda brought a book, i'm BORED! music room is locked too. cant play the drums...thats really sad. wo, i just had a very fun thought. if i had a skate board now. imagine skating all over the school. still saving up, cant wait for the exams to end. till then, i must study.. study. fuck

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

there's nothing to watch on tv now. i'd decieded not to use the com till the exams are over. yes, i am aware that i am using it now. i was supposed to be watching tv but there's nothing on and the com's right next to me. on. staring at me. with its eyes. yes.

went to school today as usual. only miss sakinah's lesson was fun. her lessons are always really fun. oh, and chinese class! that was damn funny. frans, jane and i told the sub we were eurasians. she actually believed us! they can slack for the week. awesome. we're from england by the way. and tomorrow, we'll be itallians for the geo sub!

listening to stc now. they play some pretty cool music. thrice, killswitch engage, nightwish.. but they have lotsa oldies tho.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

the voices in my head have been telling me to blog. i shall take heed. i did a stupid pic on msn handwrite btw. I WAS BORED! people do dumb things when they're bored.

lets see..whats been happaning this week. was sick the whole of last week. decieded to mug the whole holidays. very impt exams.. very. i've made my choice. i wanna go to the first class, pure chem pure physics. i need to be in the top40 in the level. possible...

i have a humonongous pimple growing on my forehead. starting to look like a horn.