Thursday, March 31, 2005


theres a war goin on now.. 38 ppl in our class against sihao,yi wei and makie. got back our bloody math tests today. we did badly. she said the paper was hard at first, then for some strange reason she changed her mind today, wait.. its not the first time she got her mind changed. we had to trade our hwk for our papers. she gave those without diagrams back and ask them to write it down. she asked me to redo it 5 fucking times!! damn her. then she scolded syafiqah infront of the whole class. bitch. called us all dumb.


ms mak called us dumb
ms mak called us dumb
she wore her skirt the wrong way
now thats dumb..
-joel, rafidah. marcus, junliang-

damn sihao told makie that we had our bks under the table after school. damn him. he told the few ppl that were in class. marcus came into the dnt room and told macus berty and me.they were saved. and saved a few others. but the rest... philbert's books were there.. i managed to sneak past her with his bks. but macus wasnt as lucky. then she happily put the lit text bks in the cupboard i her garbage bag. i stopped her but the books that were already inside.. they're gone. bitch. i explained to her y we put the stuff in class. she said it was all excuses only. damn her. she sux.. worst teacher who ever lived.


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