Friday, October 28, 2005

the report card.

i was actually waiting for this day at first. after getting my sa2 results. forgetting about how much is screwed up in semester one. the 17 i got for dnt was included. the thing i'm dissapointed about is that people who didnt even study at all and dont give a fuck about their work beat me. how embarrasing is that?? my overall % is only 57%. my level position is 131. and i NEEED to do a math. ARGH! to hell with that for now!!

thats one of the reason today is a day to mourn. my uncle passed away from cancer. i didnt really know him. but i know he's a really nice person, when we visitied him last he was laughing and joking around with us. and his 8 yr old son who looked like harry potter and two daughters, they are the ones i really feel sorry for. i cant imagine having to live through life without a father.

in other news, danial is still unhappy that he got second in class and can definately go to 3e1. yes, he does want a slap. he said its bacause of that he wasnt boasting. well, i told him to be thankfull. he wouldnt be going in the direction of his home. ward 13 of changi hospital. yep.

anyway, we're organising a class gathering, everyone from 2e4 is invited. either the theme park or bowling. if you wanna help out call edwyna.


Sunday, October 23, 2005


this was me when i was young. i dont think i'm wearing pants.

excerpt from my brother's blog
There was once a boy called Karthik. He was on his way to Temasek Poly to sort out his timetable for next semester, which turned out pretty well btw. so he went to tp, got everything sorted out and was on his way back. He boarded the 518 'cos it was the fastest way home. Now our hero was in the bus, which had around 5-6 people in it, excluding himself, listening to his iPod. Chimaira was playing rather loudly and the song Power Trip was blasting when this matt kental knnbccb bastard boards the bus at safra tampines. This matt, whom i will call matt, was from ITE. Tapered pants, a mohawk, yes folks he was street trash.

So matt walks to the back of the bus. Karthik doesn't see him 'cos he's somewhere in the middle. Out of nowhere matt comes up to Karthik and pulls out his earphone.

Karthik, 'What the Fuck?!?!'

Matt,' Eh boy u think you listen to metal u fucking big ah?'

Karthik,' I listening your problem ah?!' <-- You'll notice the horrendous english. Needed him to understand me.

Matt, ' I ask you a question u fucking answer lah boy'.

Karthik,' no'.

Matt,' eh boy i tell u ah u look damn gay better not listen to metal lah!!'

Karthik,' Eh you belong in a band called Chimaira ah?!'

Matt,' of course not lah don't be stupid lah boy!!!'

Karthik,' Then fuck off lah cheebai matt!!'

At this point in time i think he was gonna whack our hero but the driver in front shouted,' EH DON'T SHOUT AH I CALL POLICE!!'

After staring at Karthik for a few seconds he went back to the back of the bus and got off at Tampines Street 21. KNNBCCB what's happening to the youth these days!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

the bone

i've got something stuck in my throat. feels like a bone.. piercing through my skin.. deeper..deeper. i've got inspiration to write a poem on 'the bone' but i wont. no, i'm not crazy yet. i shan't. anyway. i got a dissapointing 62 for my english, overall. yeah, and 68 for my sa2. its my compre that pulls me down, and my oral that pulls me up. so annoying, i'm good at cloze passages and they take that out of the syllabus. gah! one awesome thing my school is doin tho, we're having a touch football and soccer clinic thingy on monday. anyway i'm sleepy and 'the bone' is poking me.

Monday, October 17, 2005

results! on a scale of 1 to 10 i'd give myself a 6.5
Math-70 A2
Science-70 A2
Geography-71.5 A2
Tamil(b)-74 A2
(u'd expect it to go higher but noo)
Home econs- 63 B4
History- 62 B4
(time for the best)
Art- 40 D7

english results havent been announced yet. but my results are ALRIGHT compared to the class average. yeah, my class did badly. the guys suprisingly did better than the girls. the soundtrack for burnout revenge is awesome. MxPx, yellowcard, apocolypsecia, The Chemical Brothers, Fall Out Boy, Thrice, The Bravery, cky, the doors, a7x, bullet for my valentine, pennywise, the starting line, finch, goldfinger, the all-american rejects.
results! on a scale of 1 to 10 i'd give myself a 6.5
Math-70 A2
Science-70 A2
Geography-71.5 A2
Tamil(b)-74 A2

Home econs- 63 B4
History- 62 B4

Thursday, October 13, 2005

The amityville horror is a great movie! best watched at night. its about this guy who hears voices that tell him to murder his family. its a true story. quite cool eh? there was this scene where this bloody fuck came out of nowhere and my mum SCREAMED! hoho, i'm freaking my bro out more now.

so, the orals were yesterday.. after that i went to give alan back the soccer ball i stole back from the DM. YOU THINK YOU CAN TAKE AWAY A GUY's BALL AND GET AWAY WITH IT?! adults these days...

then i decieded to go home but i met frans and jane on the way and tagged along with them to tm. we had to meet francesca's mum before she could go out.. I LOOKED LIKE A NERD with my unkempt hair and fugly bag. any mother would trust their child with a guy who looks like nerd. and she was under the impression that jane was an artsy fartsy person cuz she was looking at her paintings. they got belly peircings, yep. they're crazy. jane got totally screwed up by a pink mohawk guy at the skateshop. he knows REAL skinheads and their REAL 'cultures' so jane had a hard time answering his questions. it was really funny.

went home. went out again. watched GOAL! with my family. the movie rocks, but my bro and sis say its bettter on a weekend because people cheeer and all like a real match when a goal is scored and all that.. schools out till monday. i dont know whether i should be happy or sad. or both :() i wonder if thats possible.. hahaaha,waaah,hahaha,boohoo.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

downloaded a total of 93 songs today byyy
-The Get Up Kids
-Anatomy of a ghost
-The used
-An Early November
-With Broken Wings
-Taking back sunday
-The unseen
-Goo Goo Dolls
-A static Lullaby

so sue me! how are we to enjoy music if we cant afford it? i'll leave the whole money part to the rich ones.. support piracy! this has been a public service announcement. remember that..

i've been rotting infront of my com the wholed day. still having a fever but its getting better. i'm gonna try to finish 'honor among thieves' by tmr. oh yeah.. i got 74 for my tamil. tamil b rocks! i'm hopelesss

Friday, October 07, 2005




fucking annoying. hope it heals by monday. or i'll go crazy. seriously