Thursday, February 16, 2006

hell, i've the biggest headache in the world right now. screw thursdays. possibly because of the fact that they're recementing the roof now. why thursdays????? why!?!! the longest day of the week, in school that is.

fall out boy's album rocks. i'm glad lights and sounds was out of stock. the album wasnt even for me in the first place. i bought it as a valentines day present for someone. she would have loved it. i somehow choose not to give it to her in the end, i'd rather not say why. i'm not too sure myself.

anyway, had an ss test today.. i think i did pretty ok.. considering the fact that i suck at history ( those two come hand in hand dont they?). after that we went to mcdonalds cause no one brought a soccer ball to school.

well, it was really a pretty boring day.

tomorrow's a friday! school ends at 12.45! nothing after that!!! frriiidaaayyy!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

i'll be updating soon..

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

school sucks

1 month yeah? well i'm updating now, brace yourselves.

the past month has been pretty much.... boring? so-so? a waste of time? fucked up? yeah.. nothing to talk about really. school school school. Principles of accounts is a really boring subjects which requires paying attention, not one of my special qualities. i've got a test tomorrow and i dont think i'm going to do very well.

i'm really looking foward to the 4 day holiday. and dream theater on friday!!!! ok.. now lemme tell you what happened recently. we were leaving the field after a game of soccer during recess. i was the last one left in the field so this idiot from 3e3 tried to lock me in but ended up slamming the gate on me. instead of stopping he pushed the gate onto me. i got out and kicked his ass. not really very hard, about as hard as you'd hit your friend for fun. and then the bitch, still facing the front, tried to kick me. once, twice, thrice, i got annoyed and grabbed his leg. the fucker slapped me!

i let him go. it'd be quite stupid of me if i had fought back. we were infront of the assembly area, it wouldnt have looked like self defence. someone from my class heard about it the next morning and now, wants to bash him up. him and a few others. i really dont want to. i'm not some fucking gangster. i felt so bad when someone spread to the class that i was gonna bash ethan up. ME? no. i'm not gonna get myself expelled. and the looks i got from my class mates..

i said i'm not gonna hit him unless he hits me first. and i stand by it. the rest of them are still going after him. they have their own problems with him too.

well, thats all messed up. 2 more days to the 4 day break.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

getting drunk isn't very good

oh my son. i'm blogging again.

this week has been pretty fun. my relatives came over a week earlier for my sister's birthday party. so we worked on cleaning the house and putting up decorations. and we played this game called taboo! its something like charades. you get a card, which has a few words. your supposed to describe the word on top without using the taboo words at the bottom. its really really really fun.

but the best part was my sister's birthday. my brother's friends came over. so my dinesh, dhana, my cousin leshwyn, my brother and two of my three year old cousins we were supervising were in my room the whole time. all of a sudden dhana started playing hit me baby one more time on the guitar then we started singing a screamo version of the song. that was just nuts.

my dad let us have some drinks. i didnt want to drink too much. so i just had to glasses of sharridon or however thats spelt. my brother on the other hand, he was gone by the end of the night. we were playing jenga while he was taking his last drink. dhana said his fantasy outfit was darth maul. hahahahahah. my bro was putting his whole hand over my sister's face and practically crushing it. my sister gave him a cup of water to drink, he picked it up and poured it on my sisters shorts! my sister was like, what the fuck?

my dad was having a good laugh. we sat him down onto the chair and we were all talking. even the drunk boy. my sister was telling dhana that he doesnt even know the meaning of a fantasy outfit. my brother was like, so he wants to have sex with a girl in a darth maul costume... he was saying fuck like a million times. my father said 'watch your language karthik!'. my bro said'what?'.. my mum told him what my dad said then my brother said, 'turn on the tv'. we were all confused so we asked him what for? 'to watch my language'. then we started looking all serious at the tv. we had a fucking good laugh, no.. he was a good laugh.

then he started talking about the existence of god and how it doesnt exist. all of a sudden he started talking about soccer. the only things dinesh was saying was oh my son and aha-ster!! then my brother fell asleep and puked. would you like me to describe the puke? no? are you sure? fine.. but you'd like it.

we went jamming the next day. there were keyboards! while my brother and dhana were jamming so black metal songs we were playing the TWEET TWEET sounds on the keyboards! that was cool. we went to eat something after that. i put a little too much mustard on my hot dog. it was practically flooded with mustard and chilli sauce. fine, i'm a messy eater, so sue me.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

i realised what this blog was for after many many days, so i've decided to blog.
found out which classes we're going to on the 16th. i got into 3e4!!! in other news wigan lost to arsenal. i heard the goblet of fire movie turned out very very bad. heres something i've copied out.
There is no Winky, no Dobby, no fat lady, no marauder's map, no blast-ended skrewts, no goblins, no sphinx, no dementors. There is no Ludo Bagman, no Bertha Jorkins, no Percy, no Mrs. Crouch, no Mrs. Weasley, no Ms. Trelawney, no Rita Skeeter, and no Sirius Black in either body
and so i asked myself, how the fuck can they make the movie without these essential characters. obvious reasons, they CHANGED the story. they introduced crouch jr as moody at the start of the movie apparently. and someone named Navel gave harry the gillyweed. the worst part is i just re-read the book. i havent gotten enough sleep until today. my relatives were over and my young cousins kept coming into my room at 9 in the morning to wake me up. i was watching tv and my 3 year old cousin jumped on me and started pulling my hair. she was practically hanging from my hair!! today i woke up at 2. i would have slept longer if my mum hadnt come in and screeched " SUREN ITS 2'OCLOCK!!! WAKE UP!!!". so i woke up this morning with a bad headache.

Friday, October 28, 2005

the report card.

i was actually waiting for this day at first. after getting my sa2 results. forgetting about how much is screwed up in semester one. the 17 i got for dnt was included. the thing i'm dissapointed about is that people who didnt even study at all and dont give a fuck about their work beat me. how embarrasing is that?? my overall % is only 57%. my level position is 131. and i NEEED to do a math. ARGH! to hell with that for now!!

thats one of the reason today is a day to mourn. my uncle passed away from cancer. i didnt really know him. but i know he's a really nice person, when we visitied him last he was laughing and joking around with us. and his 8 yr old son who looked like harry potter and two daughters, they are the ones i really feel sorry for. i cant imagine having to live through life without a father.

in other news, danial is still unhappy that he got second in class and can definately go to 3e1. yes, he does want a slap. he said its bacause of that he wasnt boasting. well, i told him to be thankfull. he wouldnt be going in the direction of his home. ward 13 of changi hospital. yep.

anyway, we're organising a class gathering, everyone from 2e4 is invited. either the theme park or bowling. if you wanna help out call edwyna.


Sunday, October 23, 2005


this was me when i was young. i dont think i'm wearing pants.

excerpt from my brother's blog
There was once a boy called Karthik. He was on his way to Temasek Poly to sort out his timetable for next semester, which turned out pretty well btw. so he went to tp, got everything sorted out and was on his way back. He boarded the 518 'cos it was the fastest way home. Now our hero was in the bus, which had around 5-6 people in it, excluding himself, listening to his iPod. Chimaira was playing rather loudly and the song Power Trip was blasting when this matt kental knnbccb bastard boards the bus at safra tampines. This matt, whom i will call matt, was from ITE. Tapered pants, a mohawk, yes folks he was street trash.

So matt walks to the back of the bus. Karthik doesn't see him 'cos he's somewhere in the middle. Out of nowhere matt comes up to Karthik and pulls out his earphone.

Karthik, 'What the Fuck?!?!'

Matt,' Eh boy u think you listen to metal u fucking big ah?'

Karthik,' I listening your problem ah?!' <-- You'll notice the horrendous english. Needed him to understand me.

Matt, ' I ask you a question u fucking answer lah boy'.

Karthik,' no'.

Matt,' eh boy i tell u ah u look damn gay better not listen to metal lah!!'

Karthik,' Eh you belong in a band called Chimaira ah?!'

Matt,' of course not lah don't be stupid lah boy!!!'

Karthik,' Then fuck off lah cheebai matt!!'

At this point in time i think he was gonna whack our hero but the driver in front shouted,' EH DON'T SHOUT AH I CALL POLICE!!'

After staring at Karthik for a few seconds he went back to the back of the bus and got off at Tampines Street 21. KNNBCCB what's happening to the youth these days!!