Friday, August 19, 2005

changed my blogskin, you like? i knew you did.. look at my work of art.. anyway. havent been blogging lately, same old reason. start frm monday?

came to school.. did that prank on a teacher thing. failed miserably. the script they came up with was hopeless. wld rather have gone for the it course.

let me get this straight. i hate tamil. many reasons. its a waste of time goin. and everytime i do turn up the fat clown is absent. i think i've skipped class for a month before. screw that..

still learning how to play wake me up when september ends properly. then i'll try 'face the truth'. what happened yesterday. i forget. oh yeah. hey wait, that happened today. nonono, was yesterday.

shao heng got into a fight with the boy who cried skinheads. over maplestory? not really sure. but how it started was not the main thing. we watched the whole thing. the two tooks were sitting next to each other talking. apparently joel was playing with sh and saw that his character was lvl 23. obviously he tooked the opportunity to mock shao heng cuz his nick says he's lvl 29. then we backed sh up cuz we new his archer was lvl 29, and what he saw was his warrior. shao heng pointed at him and laughed. it was a very -look at the idiot- laugh. then joel was cursing to himself. then marcus said sth and joel got intimidated.

joel grabbed sh's finger and tried to twist it. shao heng was twisting joels hand. joel twisted his whole body to straighten his hand. they were still on the floor so it looked very dumb. we were all laughing like hell. they started kicking each other while sitting down . like one of those shadow kick things you see on kids central. finally, they stood up. didnt see what happend after that.. was laughing too hard. but neither of them walked away satisfied. oh god that was pathetic.

today today today. didnt have my home ec book. the teach asked me to see her during recess. forgot all about it. went to see her aft school, she wasnt there. so i went to see ms sakinah for my sci worksheet. while waiting, there were these three girls being scolded by the dm. she didnt seem angry, just dissapointed. i think they were slitting themselves or something. now, who'd wanna do that?! hint hint.

anyway, they were crying on the bench i was sitting on. the security guard came to console them. so..i walked away and the clerk told me ms sakinah went out the backdoor. was wasting my time for no reason.

noticed how people have been getting more and more hypocritical. gonna sort things out with them, not gonna turn into one of them. there might be hope for them yet. anyway i've still got this longing to throw joel into the dustbin. the longing is growing. he's starting to piss of more people too. not to forget marcus and clinton.

uh oh. making enemies? no. i'm not making them. i dont want any enemies. but i dont want to be their friends either..but they cant seem to fuck off. people who'll act normal during the moment it'll be convenient to them. nothing more to say. just hope i can control myself. have been able to. but the cowards havent tried anything physical. so bless them if they try.

okay. is actually 2am 20th august but i wanted to write yesterday so i changed the date. sleepy now.. good night people.


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